Transport, Lifting Equipment and Test Weight Hire.


Stockpile of LMT 4000KG Test Weights

Crane Test Weight Hire

We have 500 Tonne of test weights available for hire in various shapes and sizes, complete with cradles and lifting equipment.

Green nylon lifting slings stacked in piles.


We supply and stock a range of lifting & safety equipment ranging from but not limited to shackles, eyebolts, web slings, chains slings, wire ropes, lever hoists and chain blocks. 

Trailer in yard, loaded with test weights ready for transport.

Transport Services

Not only do we have a wide selection of weights and cradles, but we can also offer transport of your weights to any site, anywhere in the UK.

Stockpile of LMT 4000KG Test Weights

Crane Test
Weight Hire

We have 500 Tonne of test weights available for hire in various shapes and sizes, complete with cradles and lifting equipment.

Green nylon lifting slings stacked in piles.


We supply and stock a range of lifting & safety equipment ranging from but not limited to shackles, eyebolts, web slings, chains slings, wire ropes, lever hoists and chain blocks.

Trailer in yard, loaded with test weights ready for transport.

Transport Services

Not only do we have a wide selection of weights and cradles, but we can also offer transport of your weights to any site, anywhere in the UK.